The show at least knows better than to punch down. Daria and Jane entertainingly offer a constant brutal stream of their sarcastic nihilistic Sick Sad World view but just when the show feels like it is getting way to full of itself, Michael and Jodie are there (being the only two characters in the show who always come off as having fully developed personalities) to kick Daria down a notch or two. I can just offer that I found this show disturbingly engaging, however ridiculous. Honestly, I am not qualified to discuss any teenage girls' experiences, so I'll try and stay in my lane. It is frequently too ridiculous for words, it has the leads seem smart by having everyone else be an idiot, it sometimes pulls its punches, and frequently comes off as trite but even given all that I might rank this show up with My So Called Life as a truly wonderful coming of age show. Like the titular character, the show Daria is not perfect. I came across Daria long after it's original run, around 2019 on an Amazon Prime trial, and it blew me away.